Ai Fix Hộ VS
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<div><blockquote> package edu.java;
import java.util.scanner;
* @author nguyenhuu
public class sinhvien {
private string sbd,hotensv,addresssv,hocphan;
private float dthk1,dthk2;
scanner nhapdl=new scanner(system.in);
public sinhvien() {
public string getsbd() {
return sbd;
public void setsbd(string sbd) {
this.sbd = sbd;
public string gethotensv() {
return hotensv;
public void sethotensv(string hotensv) {
this.hotensv = hotensv;
public string getaddresssv() {
return addresssv;
public void setaddresssv(string addresssv) {
this.addresssv = addresssv;
public string gethocphan() {
return hocphan;
public void sethocphan(string hocphan) {
this.hocphan = hocphan;
public float getdthk1() {
return dthk1;
public void setdthk1(float dthk1) {
this.dthk1 = dthk1;
public float getdthk2() {
return dthk1;
public void setdthk2(float dthk1) {
this.dthk1 = dthk1;
public void nhaptt(){
system.out.print("nhap tt sbd : ");
system.out.print(" nhap tt ho ten : ");
system.out.print("nhap tt address : ");
system.out.print(" nhap tt hoc phan : ");
system.out.print(" nhap diem thi hk1 : ");
system.out.print("nhap diem thi hk2 : ");
public void showtt(){
system.out.println(" sbd "+getsbd());
system.out.println("ho ten "+gethotensv());
system.out.println("address "+getaddresssv());
system.out.println("tt hoc phan "+gethocphan());
system.out.println(" diem thi hk1 "+getdthk1());
system.out.println("diem thi dk2 "+getdthk2());
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* to change this template, choose tools | templates
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package edu.java;
import java.util.scanner;
* @author nguyenhuu
public class cau3{
* @param args the command line arguments
int n;
sinhvien [] qlsinhvien=new sinhvien[n];
scanner nhapdl=new scanner(system.in);
public void nhapttsv(){
system.out.print(" nhap vao so sinh vien n = ");
n = nhapdl.nextint();
qlsinhvien=new sinhvien[n];
for (int i = 0; i <=(qlsinhvien.length-1); i++) {
public void showttsv(){
system.out.println("hien thi danh sach thong tin sv : ");
for (int i = 0; i <=(qlsinhvien.length-1); i++) {
public static void main(string[] args) {
// todo code application logic here
cau3 a= new cau3();
khi chạy báo java.lang.nullpointerexception ở phần nhapttsv(); ai chỉ cách fix lỗi này vs. thankss
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