[TWRP BACKUP] Sense 7 Marshmallow for HTC Desire 816 Dual Sim; A5DUG.
[twrp backup] marshmallow for [a5_dug] htc desire 816 dual sim.
twrp backup : goo.gl/xc8pnu
rom zip : goo.gl/prqven
* stock rom
* not rooted.
* how to install twrp backup : "i am not responsible for bricked devices"
1. make sure you have twrp recovery already installed.
2. take backup for all of your data on phone via twrp (this will create a twrp folder with your device id automatically).
3. download and extract and copy paste the backup to dir ext_sdcard/twrp/backups/*your device id*/backup folder.
4. wipe your phone (factory reset) in recovery 5. restore it via twrp recovery.
6. wait until restoration is complete and reboot device.
* how to install rom.zip : "i am not responsible for bricked devices"
1. boot into recovery.
4. perform a full wipe like usual. wipe data, cache, system if coming from other rom.
5. flash rom.zip.
6. flash supersu.zip (for root).
7. reboot.
* for root : supersu.zip
stable : goo.gl/g8v352
beta : goo.gl/ckurjp
latest : goo.gl/wacdju
* mine is ok. with supersu v.2.68 beta.
hay quá. đúng nội dung mình đang cần
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